Project Description

Anti Fraud Features
Goldcrest can incorporate a variety of anti-fraud features in to your label designs to dissuade the fraudster or to help you identify counterfeit product. These features can range from the addition of unique foils to the use of covert anti-fraud inks and UV receptive varnishes. Goldcrest are also perfecting an anti-photocopy ink as a low cost alternative to holograms. We are always available to discuss your needs on a case by case basis in order to target protection devices to meet your specific requirements.
Scratch Off Security
Goldcrest are a major worldwide supplier of scratch Off Labels for finance, security and telephone card activation labels.
Our scratch labels feature high levels of opacity, complex security cuts and aggressive high tack adhesives as standard. Many other unique anti-fraud features, such as UV protection, can be added to your labels if extra levels of security are necessary.
We have a wide variety of standard security designs and label sizes available at all times for immediate dispatch anywhere in the world. In addition we offer a bespoke service for special sizes, scratch colours of logo and print effects.
Our scratch labels are engineered to exacting standards for high speed application and minimum machine maintenance. At the same time our Quality Control team are constantly monitoring label production to ensure we are meeting the highest levels of security testing at all times.
Tamper Evident Labels
Goldcrest tamper evident labels can be simply paper labels with aggressive permanent adhesives incorporating watchstrap or dumbbell special shapes, to high security ultra destruct films. All are available in plain or printed formats to your requirements. We will carry out extensive testing on your product to find the tamper evident solution ideally suited to your application.
Void Labels
For high value or sensitive products, Void labelling from Goldcrest can alert the user to any attempt to compromise a sealed package or container. This unique material provides a clear and irreversible indication of any tampering.