Project Description

Reverse print labels allow more print space by delaminating the self-adhesive face material and printing directly on to the adhesive. It is ideal for clear containers or packaging where the details can be viewed from the opposite side.
Applications are many and varied, but include:
- Product instructions
- Contents information
- Additional languages
- Cooking instructions
- Promotions
Often used for cosmetics, medical, food & drink, glazing, vaping products or any small container where the label space is limited.
Reverse printing can also be used onto the backing paper, where there is a need for user information or simply as an aid to application known as a “firemark”.
Our ability to reverse print and neutralise adhesives opens up a number of exciting opportunities to enhance label designs. Also, when combined with internal label cuts or perforations add extra promotional possibilities or the transfer of label information between documents, such as medical records or delivery labels.